I have taught Pre-k general and bilingual students for 16 years at different school districts in San Antonio, Tx including a charter school.
So many guidelines, so little time! I use play as a learning tool to teach all the guidelines while allowing my students to be creative, have choices, and have a growth mindset.
Learning another language is a difficult task that requires lots of support by families and educators, let’s answer some questions you may have about second language acquisition and the ways we can support our students and families learning another language.
I have taught Pre-k general and bilingual students for 16 years at different school districts in San Antonio, Tx including a charter school.
an early childhood educator, teaches meaningful language development through practical activities, transitions and music.
Well-planned songs and smooth transitions throughout the day will enhance teaching and save teachers time. Students will be able to learn difficult concepts through music and have fun while doing it.
To learn more
attend Champion’s session “All Day, Every Day FUN: Meaningful Language Development Activities and Transition”.
Session description
Learn it today, apply it on Monday! Learn fun language development songs, activities and transitions in English and Spanish to increase phonological awareness throughout a preschooler’s day.
So many guidelines so little time! Use play as a learning tool to teach all the guidelines while allowing your students to be creative and have a growth mindset.